Saturday 8 August 2009

It's been awhile.....

Well, where to begin.

I got that job, I found a house, I got a 2:1 honours degree. i graduated, and i've been pretty much bumming around not doing anything of real importance since....

I've got Leeds Festival '09 to look forward to, Deftones, Marmaduke Duke, Rise Against, and Rival Schools. Get In.

And I am currently really missing my beautiful girlfriend, who is on holiday with her family in Italy.

The only problem is soon this summer will be over, and she'll be heading of to Uni for the first time, which I am not too sure what to make off, it'll certainly be different, but i'm sure we'll cope, we have been through so much in our 3 years and 7 months together. this will be no different.......
