Sunday 17 May 2009

the week of weeks...

... well, this is one momentous week for me.
My final University exams, ARGH!
Looking at houses to rent with my brother.
AND a Job interview to prepare for at the end of the week aswell.

Fun times ahead, but atleast at the end of it I can get back to playing computer games in my spare time, rather than revision.


Thursday 7 May 2009


Well, I handed in the last essay that I am ever going to have to do, unless I do a Masters, but at the moment that is only a remote possibility.

But I digress, it feels so good not having to do anymore.....

Now just the problem of two exams! ARGH!!!

Oh and I'm getting a bound copy of my dissertation for posterity!

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Manchester United Vs. FC Barcelona

So there we have it, Manchester United will play Barcelona in the final of the Champions League.

Chelsea were unlucky, but as a United fan I much preferred to meet Barcelona in Rome. It seems to me that Barca are alot like Arsenal in respect that they want to play beautiful football all the time, and that they do not seem to have a plan B. All of which bodes well for Rooney & Co. on the 27th May.

That third goal last night was clinical, and an absolutely brilliant counter-attack. Breathtaking!

Its a shame that both Fletcher and Abidal will miss the final thanks to two shocking referring decisions. UEFA really need to sort out that no appeal rule!

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Marmaduke Duke Website

This is quite possibly the best band website I have ever seen, simply brilliantly designed!

Stephen Young 1971-2009

Stephen Young, teacher of Politics and History at Ashton Sixth Form College, died last week after losing his battle with cancer.

He taught me History at both AS and A Level, and was the main reason why I went on to do History at a degree level. He will be sorely missed. The best teacher I have ever had, and certain one of my favourites.

It is unfortunate that future students at ASFC will no longer have Mr Young to influence them.....


Well, its that time of year when students will be finishing their degrees, and it just happens to be my time aswell. I have got one more essay and two exams to do then three years of University will be over.

It is an odd feeling, a mixture of anxiety about going to the real working world, and excitement at finally finishing education. albiet possibly only for a few years as there is still the prospect of a masters.

anyways, back to the englandspiel!!!